The photo shoot went well, Megan was the most difficult. She got hungry near the end. We got some very cute photos that are posted at My Mobile Me gallery.
After the photos were purchased, the 6 of us went to the food court to grab a bite for lunch. The babies had been fed while waiting on the photographer, and were happily sleeping in their strollers. It was nice to eat lunch with both Shawn and Bridget and without hearing a baby crying. It's been a long time since that's happened.
When we got back to our house, Grandma Joan and Grandpa Bill were there. They helped out with the babies today. Shawn was able to get a little work done, and I got most of the laundry put away.
Early afternoon: Bridget took a nap! Yeay!
When dinnertime rolled around, Aunt Tina, Kaitlyn and Ann joined us and Grandma and Grandpa. It was nice having dinner at the table with everyone, and again, no crying babies. Well, Megan cried a bit, but Auntie Tina took care of her. Bridget and Kaitlyn enjoyed eating dinner together, and were holding hands at the table and screaming and screetching because they were so excited. Ann just watched and soaked up everything.
The majority of the evening B and K played together, having fun, hooting and hollering, while the adults struggled to hear each other. Despite the ruckus, it was a nice evening.
Kaitlyn invited Bridget over tomorrow to play, so Bridget is very excited to do that. Shawn and I invited Brenda and Paul over tomorrow night to watch the UFC fights. So as long as the babies cooperate, it should be a pretty nice day!