First thing this morning I took Bridget to Sears for her three year photos. My mom and dad were coming over to help Shawn out with the triplets while we were gone.
Bridget did very well though she was very disappointed that her favorite photographer, Mr. Josh no longer worked for Sears. After almost 2 hours at Sears, we walked through the mall, and Bridget picked out a special treat: pretzel sticks. She really enjoyed her treat, and after that we headed back home.
Grandma and Grandpa were busy with Megan, Holly and Liam when we got home. Grandpa had also swept off the deck, shoveled the driveway, and took out all the garbage from the cans in the house! What a nice surprise.
We all ate lunch together, then Grandpa hung up a magnet board in Bridget's room. She really liked that too. Now she had her own place to play with alphabet magnets, and her Hello Kitty and Strawberry Shortcake magnet dress up dolls.
Before we knew it, it was dinnertime. Grandma and Grandpa joined us for dinner. Bridget liked entertaining our guests with her stories. After dinner, Bridget went to sleep, and Grandma and Grandpa headed home. It was a very nice day for everyone!
Photos from today are posted in My Mobile Me Gallery.
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