Yesterday, Anna helped me take the triplets to Sears for their 3 month photos. I've posted them to my Facebook page, but haven't posted them to My Mobile Me Gallery yet. Will do that soon!
Shawn & Bridget drew on the driveway with chalk. Bridget is such an artist now. She really likes drawing people. And you can recognize features now. She'll draw eyes, ears, nose, mouth, cheeks (on the side of the head under the ears), hair, and arms and legs (sticking out from the head). They are very cute drawings.
After dinner, Bridget and I walked to the trail to see the ducks. Only when we got there, no ducks could be found. We did see a few geese. So that was good enough for her.
Today Bridget and I went out to play twice during H-L-M's naps. We swung in the hammock, colored with chalk, rode the tricycle, and had running races up and down the driveway. The little stinker is getting fast! It was lots of fun, and I think I actually got a little tan while out there!
Grandpa John stopped by for a visit today. I think he had fun reading to Bridget and playing cars and kitchen with her too.
Shawn broke out the grill for the first time this season. He cooked us up some yummy burgers for dinner.
I also found out that one of my former students, Brett is making national news as one of "the compliment guys." He appeared on Good Morning America. He's wearing black. Here's a link: The Compliment Guys As a side note, I remember Brett as a truly nice guy and a good student. He wrote a letter of recommendation for me when I was nominated for a Golden Apple award a couple years ago.
Ok, Bridget and I are off to our weekly Tuesday night Story Time at the Library. Until next time, America!
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