Several people came up to us at the mall and commented on the triplets. More this time than any of our previous mall trips. I even ran into one of the Moms from my MOMs group.
Saturday was Ryan's confirmation. Yup, he got holy. The party was fun. I hardly saw my children. I didn't have to worry about their well-being either. I actually got to relax for awhile. We were the last to leave the party. 5 out of 6 godparents were announced at the party. There's one more godparent yet to be revealed. Who will it be?!?! You'll have to wait and see!
I don't know why I'm writing in such short, choppy sentences. Perhaps I've been around toddlers too much! Or maybe it's all the children's books that I read daily!
Congratulations to Tina and Sandy. Tina's expecting her 3rd child in early October. Let's send good "boy" vibes her way. Too many girls in our family! Sandra found out she's having a boy. Yeay! Liam will have a little buddy to grow up with. Again, let's hope Tina makes it 3 little boy cousins. And, hey Tina...if you have a boy, give him a G, L, or T name. Then we'll have LOG, LOL, or LOT! Hmmm, though. There's KABAM for the first 5 babies, and HLMO so far for the 2nd set of 5 babies. Perhaps you should name your kid something that fits in the anagram!
Anyone have a Tag Reader? Kmart and Toys R Us has Tag books on sale this week for $9.99 and LeapFrog has $5 off coupons online (you can print out 2 coupons per computer). That makes each Tag book $4.99. You can hardly buy a "regular" kids book for that price! I've picked up 5 books so far (shh! Bridget doesn't know). I hope to use them as Christmas or Birthday gifts! If you don't have a Tag reader, this would make a great gift for any of my kids, just hang onto it for 8 more months.
Other good deals...Toys R Us has Fisher Price Loving Family accessories Buy 1 Get 1 Free this week. Bridget loves her dollhouse, and if you wanted to get her birthday present cheap and early, she's requesting the new Camping accessories. (Camping Tent, ATV, or Canoe) It looks like Fisher Price is coming out with new accessories for the Loving Family dollhouse, so I'm guessing the old accessories may go on clearance soon. Also, the camping link lists the tent price as $19.99 online, but in stores it's $14.99.
Shawn's in California today through late Wednesday night. Let's hope I survive! I'm sure I'm going to need to get out and decompress Thursday. So far so good though, John and Kathie spent all day with us today. Joann also poked her head in for awhile too. The babies were great, and Bridget was very well behaved all day. Bedtime went smoothly. Now I must get to bed. I can't pass off that 5 am feeding to Shawn today!
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